Kubai stikr map k?!

Simpl LIEK 1????2????3 k?:
  1. Write down ur Kubai nikname On pies for paper k?
  2. U go to TEH stiKr accordin to teh directionz on teh kubai map liNks
  3. U fin teh stIkr an take Picture for it?? k? wTh name ant stCker
TEH Foto mus cleerle show kubai stiker teh invironmnt WEr teh stikR R LOCATD an teh paPR wif ur nikNAME and today's date (the date the sticker was found)!

  • sen teh foto tO KrEPXinks via privmicaTE MEsagE k? an if U IZ FERSt U wIL get prIZE TO spen on kuBai serVICEZ K?! Contazts: here.
  • teh map r consTANTLe updatd?? We advis u to chek frum timE to time fr stikr neerby??

  • Stikerz markd in red enDicmicate that they haz alreEDY bin finded an no prize r orardd fr tHEm??
  • Stickers that are marked yellow mean they are special or harder to find and have higher prizes. The size of the prize is indicated in the description (by clicking on the sticker).
  • One niKName can onle get 1 prize in 30 days!?? k?
  • Teh prize r orardd to teh accouNT FOR teh NIkname SHOWED IN TEH foto?? k?
  • If u fin stikr PLeez do NOt remove it SO othr peepl CAn fIn thEm wo want to lOK fr stikerz fr fun??
  • If u go to teh locashun for teh stikr an do noT FIN IT pleez contact krepXINKS aN THin teh locAshun for teh stIKR wil be clarIfid an if IT r stil not finded 100 creditz wil be gived az comfORT?? Plz?

Videoz tutorimiau: https://www.tiktok.com/@kubailt
Want stIKR tO apper in ur citY? Vote here: votin ferm.
Lok fr stikerz carefule an tAKe caRE FOR ur safety!?? plz?

PrizE Fr finded stiker

300 creditZ k?