Kubai r miNecrAF SERvr?? IT r NONprofit project wos main goel r to hAz az large an frendli communitie az posibl?? Kubai project startd on march 18 2013 wicH MEEnz THAt Teh project alreedy haz loT FOr experians an knowz wAT playerz liEK tEh most?? each playr can fin their favorite acTiviTY Becos we haz 6 differnt game stylez (adventure, AOneBlock, creetive minigAMes, SUrvivaL ultrahardcore)??
OUR PrOJect ADMInistrashun wil not leted u get sad!?? they wil expel every Scammer halp u anyTIME!?? tEh servr r also ovrsin by select soopervisorz wo insure ordr in teh chat chANNELZ?? teh admINIStrashun r not onle active bUT it R Both fun AN haz god sEns for humor!?? u wIL fin our intire administrashun in TEh cONTacts If u notis that SUMONE R CHEETIN or haz any kwestions pleez contact teh endicatd contactz emmediately wethr it r 3??m?? or weken?? plz?
By playin here al ur datas wil be esPeciale SECURe an teh SErvr ITSELF R wel protectd frum entruderz?? minecRaf Servr bakupz iz perforMD regulrle to fuRTHr insure securITie in TEh evnt for an emergency?? map ovrlayz (wIpe) iz very raRE an in doin So we take playeRz enTO ACCOUnt an try to leeve az many playr acheivementz Az POsibl?? also if PLAYERZ WISH to save tHeir structures we ALWayz sen cOPIEZ for teh stRUCTurez to Them?? k?
We iz one for teH ferst to Alwayz updmicaTe to teh latest vershun for minecraf?? we Alwayz want playerz to experiANS teh latEST minecRaf gamiN experianS?? K?