In ordr to cOMMunicmicate in KUBAI DISCORD channels it r necesaRy to CONFIRM UR ACCOunt?? Folow thES enstructionz to veRIFy ur account k? Video tutorial:
Oh hi shortEst answer never!?? no kubAi wipe r plannd in teh ner future?? Kubai project Standz owt by teh fact that Playerz wo COMED Her can plai Fr yeerZ AN TRY To reech their goalz witHOwt losin teh result THEY haz acheIvd?? alsO wipe r Not plannd AN r not relatd to new releESez For minecRAF?? we alwayz fin AN Wil fin wayz to deelete az FEW PLAYErs achEIVemeNtz az poSible or NOT deeletE et al?? tEH last wIPE were 2021-12-26??
H hI we iz alwaYZ workin hard to uPgraDE TO TEH latest vershun for minecraf az son az posibl?? az SON az we it can wil be UPDATd emmEDIATELE?? we alwayz ND to get lot FOR pLUGIn updaTEZ to suppORT teh new VERSHUN becos if wE hurry to update teh seRVR can not wORK properle an manY for tEh benefitz for teh servr would haz to be gived up?? PLZ?
Credits have an expiration date for quite a few reasons that affect project processes that are better overall project performance. One of the main reasons is that the players would use the winning credit immediately or in the near future and not save for some "black" (or other) day. The possibility of credits from various events, the prizes are such that it is enough to purchase at least that much, and if there is a lack of credits, you can always purchase additional(1) or participate in other events, such as: Kubai sticker search(2). 1:, 2:
In ORDr to becomed sooperVisor u mus fil in speciel form wich we chek an deecide if u iz suitabl?? al enformashun abowt teh soopervisorz an teh ferm itself can be finded hERE Plz?
onle peepl wIF minecraf premium accouNTZ CAn change teh lok for tHeir skin an TheR iz no commandz on our SErVr to change teH LOK for plAYERz skin becoS WE Incourage everyone to purchaS minEcRaf prEMIUM ACCounTZ?? u can buy here an if U Nd hAlp wiF ur purchase we would be hapPY To halp??
To register with the server, you must write /register E-mail E-mail after logging in (eg: /register You will then receive an email with your password, use it to log in with the /login PASSWORD command (eg /login pba470qi). Remember to change your password after logging in with the /changepassword OLD_PASSWORD NEW_PASSWORD. If the registration limit has been used or other reasons are the registration service can be purchased, read more about it here: Video tutorial:
If you forgot the password, go logging in to the server, write /email recovery Then check the mailbox (the letter may have ended up in the spam section), open the email from, copy the given command (eg: /email code 8d2185da) and write on the server. You will then need to set a new secure password with the command: /email setpassword YourPassword. Done! Use the command /login yourPassword.
To change the password, first log in to the server and then type the command: /changepassword OLD_PASSWORD NEW_PASSWORD. Then you will receive a confirmation code in the e-mail, it must be written on the server, for example: /verification 161844 and then the command to change the password must be written again: /changepassword OLD_PASSWORD NEW_PASSWORD. Everything! Your password has changed!